9 Best Writing Apps for iPad & iPhone

There are a number of useful writing apps are available for iPad and iPhone, you can use any of them according to your needs and choice. But if you are looking for some great writing apps for your iOS devices, you should see this list first. In this apps lists, we listed only the best writing apps for iPhone and iPad, check out them.

1. Textilus Pro Word Processor 

( iPad )- If you are looking for an all-in-one and powerful word processor and pdf app for your iPad, Textilus Pro for you. This is a great app that lets you open and edit Microsoft Office Word , PDF and Notes Suite files on your iPad. With Textilus Pro, you can preview excel and powerpoint files and convert them in to pdf documents and annotate easily. You can also insert drawings, photos, signatures, comments, footnotes, charts in your documents. It lets you export your documents as txt, pdf, png, rtf, html, ePub formats.

2. Writer - ODT Word Processor

( iPhone + iPad )- If you are looking for a professional grade writing app for your iPhone or iPad, you should try Writer - ODT Word Processor. This is one of the best full-featured and solid text writing and editing apps for iOS devices. Writer - ODT Word Processor allows you to open and edit Microsoft Word, Open Office, Libre Office, Google Docs easily on your iPhone and iPad. You can also access and edit your documents on cloud services like iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box and FTP Servers.

3. Editorial 

( iPhone + iPad )- Another great pro quality text editing application for iPhone and iPad. Editorial comes with many useful features such as- built-in multi-tab web browser, Dropbox integration and more. It also displays inline preview for taskpaper, markdown and fountain documents.

4. 1Writer - Note taking, writing app 

( iPhone + iPad )- This is one of easiest note taking and writing apps available on App Store for iPhone and iPad. You can use this app to write, research, revise, and share your ideas.

5. iA Writer Pro ( iPhone + iPad )- This is one of the best word processing apps available on App Store. If you are looking for a clean, simple, fast and powerful writing app for your iPad or iPhone, download iA Writer Pro. If you are looking for a clutter free minimal writing app for your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad or iPad mini, choose iA Writer Pro. This is a iCloud and Dropbox integrated text editing app and it also allows you to save documents as pdf and docx formats.

6. Byword 

( iPhone + iPad )- If you are looking for a simple, clean and powerful markdown app for your iPhone or iPad, Byword is for you. It supports many file formats including txt, text, md, mmd, markdown, markdn, mdown, mkdn, markd and fountain. You can export documents as pdf and html documents.

7. iWriter Pro 

( iPhone + iPad )- This is one of the best rich markdown editing apps that is specifically designed for your iPhone and iPad. This app has a very clean and minimal UI but it comes with many features including automated iCloud sync, night mode, quick note-taking feature, rich text markdown, customizable themes & fonts, responsive search & replace buttons and more. 

8. Pages 

( iPhone + iPad )- Apple's Pages is one of the most popular and useful word processing apps on iOS devices. This is a world-class word processor apps for iPhone and iPad that allows you to create professional documents with ease.

9. Werdsmith 

( iPhone + iPad )- If you are looking for a professional quality writing app that is available for free on App Store, Werdsmith is for you. This is a full-featured, beautiful and Dropbox integrated writing app for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.

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